Sibelius v6 2.0.88 Multilingual MacOSX ISO 英文正式版(音樂繪譜軟體)(DVD版)(此片售價200元)

商品名稱: Sibelius v6 2.0.88 Multilingual MacOSX ISO

商品分類: 音樂材質取樣

商品類型: 音樂繪譜軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-08-03

熱門標籤: 音樂繪譜軟體 


由英國 Sibelius 公司所研發的繪譜軟體「Sibelius 6」,是現有各種繪譜軟體中功能

最強、效果最佳的一套軟體;一套「Sibelius 6」即能完成所有的「樂譜輸入」、「美



Sibelius is now a multi-lingual application, with all six supported

languages inside the same installer. Sibelius will automatically run

in the language of your existing serial number, or in the language

of your operating system. To change the language that Sibelius runs

in, use the new Language page of Preferences.

New option Truncate notes at end of bars when using Edit > Repeat on

the Note Input page of Preferences, switched off by default. When

switched on, this option restores the behavior of Edit > Repeat from

Sibelius 5, whereby repeating a note when not in note input mode

(i.e. no caret is visible) that is longer than the remainder of the

bar truncates the value of the new note to the length of the bar,

rather than tying it into the next bar.

A number of new chord symbol types have been added to the default

library of chord symbols, including: major 7 chords with sharp 9ths,

sharp 4ths and sharp 5ths; major 7/9/11/13 chords with two

alterations; "add11" chords; "7 b5" and "7b9" chords; and more


New Hyphens allowed to disappear when syllables are too close

together option on the Text page of House Style > Engraving Rules,

switched on in both new scores and existing scores.

Sibelius 6 now correctly recognizes Kontakt 4 as a Kontakt-type

device, allowing it to load sounds automatically, provided a

suitable sound set is available.

Sibelius now offers to change the staff and/or page size when you

add or remove instruments from your score. It also now intelligently

determines a suitable combination of page and staff size when

importing MIDI and PhotoScore/AudioScore files, to try and ensure a

good vertical layout at all times.

Sibelius for Mac is now supplied with OpenType versions of the Opus,

Inkpen2, Reprise and Helsinki font families. These fonts provide

improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

Sibelius now supports the embedding of OpenType fonts in exported

EPS files.

Sibelius v6 2.0.88 Multilingual MacOSX ISO 英文正式版(音樂繪譜軟體)(DVD版)(此片售價200元)

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